We’re living with team Family Force 6, and 26 boys at the Kedesh Home. I’m still learning all their names, but I already know they’re a great bunch of guys! They are very protective of us girls and they are hard workers. Each morning starting at around 6am the boys are up and doing their chores (sweeping the house, sweeping the yard, picking up garbage, taking care of the goats…) and as the day goes on the chores continue with making each meal and cleaning up afterwards. I’m on lunch duty with Alberto. I’m exited to learn more of how to cook over an open fire and fill the 40 some mouths we have to feed.

Water is scarce; it hasn’t rained, more then a quick shower, for two months. Please pray for RAIN! We are basically on water rations. Showers are unheard of! I haven’t showed since leaving South Africa a week ago! Washing my continually dirty hands, sweaty face, and filthy body is something I’m getting used to NOT doing! I can take my finger and rub any part of my body and form those little dirt balls!
Upon arrival, Jon (our contact) informed us that there is a pond that we can wash off in. Ha, when I saw it I was like “no way”! The pond is a little mud hole with who knows what kind of critters crawling in the muddy bottom and murky waters. Leaches have been found, and I’m sure snakes are hiding somewhere in the floating grass edging! But yesterday, after playing Ultimate Frisbee and practicing Capoeira (a martial arts type thing), I was filthy and sweaty enough to wade in and wash off in our “mud tub”. Surprisingly I actually did feel a bit cleaner.

Last night, around 3am, rain woke our little tent city. We were wide awake, scrambling out of our tents to pull our rain fly’s up to protect our belongings from being drenched. I debated running out and taking a rain shower. As I sat in my tent weighing my options, I smelt my own stench and made up my mind. But by the time I found my shampoo the rain had basically stopped. So today I plan to make the hike to the well and bring back a bucket of water to wash with.
Electricity is always off and on here. Power frequently goes out, especially at night when we actually need the lights :).
After hearing of all our “hardships” here at Kedesh you may be wondering if I’m complaining! NO WAY! I’m loving it! I’ve always thought it would be cool to live out in the woods with no electricity, living off the land and roughing it. This is some decent practice! Yeah I feel dirty and gross, but It’s starting to feel normal. Ya gotta fit in, right? Surrounded by teenage boys, who haven’t discovered the use of deodorant, I barely notice my own stinky aroma! =)
I’m experiencing what it’s like to live with less!
I’m starting to appreciate the little things that Americans most often take for granted, like easy access to clean water, running water, showers, a bed, a washing machine, air conditioning, a car, and diversity in food!
I’m learning to love these boys and young men with a love that comes from the Jesus inside of me! A love that gives me energy and the desire to run and play when it’s like a billion degrees outside. A love that wants to be expressed in hugs and holding hands, when my physical body is screaming, “don’t touch me, you’re dirty and sweaty and it’s way too hot!”
I want this Love that Jesus gives to define who I am and be expressed in what I do!
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.