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I want to ask you all to join me in the preparation process of stepping out in faith and following Gods lead into the foreign mission field! July is still months away, but It will be here before we know it and I want to be set and ready for its arrival and my departure!

What I am asking of you is to bless me with your prayers! We know, from scripture, that prayer is a powerful weapon! And I know that the more prayer warriors I have behind me in this endeavor the greater the out come will be!

Specific areas in which you can be praying for me:

Confidence. A full peace in my heart and mind leading up to and during this yearlong missions trip. I know God has laid this mission on my heart, and I want to be fully following His lead through out it all! But there are also many things puling at my heart here at home, that distract me from Gods purposes and create doubt.

Enthusiasm. I am a generally enthusiastic person, and have a good bit of energy. But I’m sure that the long rides in bumpy buses, crammed with smelly people, combined with an empty stomach and dry mouth will be enough to tire anyone! We will be encountering all sorts of hardships, and I want to face each task with strength and energy to do the best I possibly can for the King I am serving!

Love. 1Corinthians 13:1-13. I want the Love of Jesus to be shining through me at all times. There will be plenty of opportunities for my flesh to want to cry, wallow in pity, turn a blind eye, respond in aggravation or annoyance, give up, or just sit down and take it easy… But I want to be DRIVEN by Love! I don’t want to just be DOING out of duty. I want to be BURNING with passion for my Savior and full of His love for the people I will have the opportunity to come along side! I want the Love of Jesus to be spread all over the world, and I am praying that God will be using my mouth to proclaim His salvation to the lost and dieing world all around me!

Faith. 1Peter 1:7. I want to be trusting in God alone for provision, safety, strength, and look to Him alone to supply the Confidence, Enthusiasm, and love! Pray that I would not loose sight of my dependence on God but will realize my NEED for Him. Pray that my own weakness will be a constant reminder to simply believe God and have faith that He will supply all that I need!
I also want to be stepping out in faith, asking God to move, save, heal, and show Himself strong! We will encounter many sick and physically needy people! I want to see Gods power at work answering our prayers. I want to ask God to perform miracles for His glory and for the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know our God is able, and I’m praying for the faith and trust to ask Him to do the humanly impossible!

Safety. My mom will appreciate your prayers in this area 🙂 and so will I! We are entering dangerous countries, and dangerous surroundings. Please pray me and my team, that Gods hand of protection would be strong over us!

Homesickness. I know I am going to miss my family a ton! Please pray that my team and I would bond together immediately and be there for one another to comfort, encourage, correct, invigorate, and love while we are away from our own loved ones back home!

Openness. This will be learning and growing year for sure! I want to benefit as much as possible from the experiences. Please pray that I would be flexible, and open to hear Gods voice leading and correcting me! I know that God will be pinpointing many areas in which I need grow. I want to be shaped and fashioned into Christ’s likeness. I do not want to be holding off the Potters molding hands! Pray that I would be reminded that the pain comes before the healing!

Even if you forget all that I just shared, then please just pray and mention my name! God knows what we need before we ask it. I do not know all of the needs that I will have, nor do I know exactly how God will go about answering them. But I do know that our prayers do not have to be said perfectly or even accurately for God to answer them. God is looking at our hearts and knows what Is best for us and will answer our prayers according to our Ultimate Good. Often times Gods answer to prayer is nothing like what we thought it would be! Our God is SOOO GREAT!

Most of you reading this blog probably have never met me. I find it amazing that you would be interested in me, and that you would be praying for me! But I know that God’s got a way of blowing our minds each and every day! I really appreciate you all being there for me and praying for me! It is a great encouragement to me, and I know God is going to do Great things through me and in me as a result of your prayers!

God bless you!
All my love,