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Fun facts from Ecuador:
Ecuador gets cold, and I mean pretty darn cold! I did not bring enough warm clothes!

You can’t flush your toilet paper here, you must throw it in the trash can next to the toilet.

I stood on the equator! lol it wasn’t worth the $2 bucks I spent to stand on the line, but I had fun doing it and now I can say I have πŸ™‚


I got a prophecy that one day I will be a wild woman in the jungle who can call in orphans like Tarzan.
I had a Schafer (LOUD horn trumpet thing) blasted multiple times right in my left hear! And then I played the crazy thing symbolizing that I would lead Gods army into spiritual battle against the evil forces of darkness. 
Last night I woke up to see a mans silhouette peering in our window. He’d pulled himself up on the window sill and was surveying the landscape. I snatched my mace and was ready for anything  :).
Don’t worry though, there’s like no reported robbery in our town here, we’re told it’s very safe. People are just really curious!
While sitting on a toilet in Quito I made eye contact with a passerby on the street πŸ™‚

While getting moved into our one room home the first night, we accidentally smashed a spare window pane A few days later we had to break the window pane on the door to get inside our room, since we’d gotten the key helplessly stuck in the lock. Good thing there was a spare… oh wait it’s broken.  

I did a legit flip (head first) over a 4’ wall and miraculously landed on my feet (I think an angle caught me). I escaped with a few scrapes and bruises, and a great heroic story. I was jumping over the wall to retrieve a ball that a child had thrown over onto the street!

Kim broke my princess bed back in Quito at our hostel. She was jumping on it trying to fix its other problems πŸ™‚

Kelly pretty much cut her finger tip off with a shovel – but it’s healing up really quickly!
I learned how to cultivate the land. AKA hoe a potato patch and pull weeds πŸ™‚

I called the pastors wife a “very big kitchen” when I meant to tell her she was a very good cook.
I told the waitress at a restaurant that she was very masculinely handsome, when I meant to tell her that the food was very good.
Please be praying that I pick up spanish much more quickly!!!! My lack of oral ability has caused quite a few laughs, but I would like to effectively communicate and share the gospel with those I meet.

Kim learned how to play the guitar (in less then 2 hours)!! She’s got talent let me tell you!
Ok, last fun fact for now: I got a bath in a cooking pot the size of texas!! It was the best thing ever! We put the pot on our gigantic stove and heated the water (hot water was a rare treat). I sat in my hot tub and bathed up! I felt the cleanest I have yet since leaving home!