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The Amazon jungle, fried slugs on sticks, hairy rodents for dinner, bugs galore, waking up in the beautiful Andes Mountains, and showering with a bucket… Oh baby here I come!

Our first stop for the World Race is Illuman Ecuador.

We will be working with a ministry called Inca Link.
Our focus will be with t
he highland people of Illuman, a people known for their Shaman healers. "Shamanism is a powerful, sometimes subtle, healing system that connects one with the healing forces and wisdom of the universe." (

I'm so excited to know that these people are about to be rocked by the love and power of the God of the universe! Be praying that Jesus Christ would be proclaimed and displayed powerfully and boldly in and through the lives of my team and I!

Our home base here in Ecuador sounds like paradise to me! We'll be situated between two volcanoes, on the foothills of the Andes, and surrounded by Gods beautiful, wild creation! Yes some of Gods little critters will, I'm sure, be very much unappreciated when I have to share living quarters with them! But bugs aside, I can't wait to get to Ecuador! I leave the USofA on July 13 2011!